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Today's English conversation lesson
bad: "there is no rail in a real conversation"
There is no expectable context in a real conversation
He has many things in his hands
(For scattered document) We need to gather the documents.
(For cables) They are tangled.
We need to untangle the cables.
He has problem using the copy machine.
Bad: problem to use
Reason: the problem is already happened.
We need to tell him where he can get papers.
He was surprised to see the problem.
We can not help him with that.
I'll ask for the password.
I'll get the password for you.
I'll get someone to help you in 10 minutes.
"hit the wall" is natural American English
just for fun / just my hobby
welder (person) / weld (verb)
luggage is usually a bag of traveller
I'm expecting a call
I'm expected to do that
Will I be expected to do that?
Will I be expected to have a sales quota?
norma is not natural English
I see, it is from Russian
hit the target
take a survey
survey is big
Will I be expected to collect feedbacks from customers?
book a flight
"appointment" is usually mean to meet person
When you'll meet with friends, say "I have plans for lunch"
He'll be angry / He'll might get angry.
