[*** \mathrm{weave}^1] |wēv|
verb (past
wove |wōv| ; past participle
woven |ˈwōvən| or
with object 〈糸など〉を織る; 〈竹・枝など〉を編む; …を織り, 編み合わせる(together); «…を» …を織って, 編んで作る «into»
e.g. linen was woven in the district.
(織機で) «…から» 〈布〉を織る; 〈かごなど〉を編む, 作る «from, (out) of»
e.g. some thick mohairs can be difficult to weave.
e.g. cotton spinning and weaving was done in mills.
«…から» 〈綿密な話・計画〉を作る, 練る «from»
e.g. he weaves colorful, cinematic
【話に】〈細かな点〉をまとめ合わせる, 加える, ちりばめる(together) «into»
e.g. flashbacks are woven into the narrative.
usually with adjective a particular
style or
manner in which something is
〖通例修飾語を伴って〗生地の織り方, 編み方; …織り, 編み; 織り模様
e.g. scarlet cloth of a very fine weave.
⦅くだけて⦆ ヘアピース, エクステ
e.g. trailers show him with dyed blond hair and, in one scene, a flowing blond weave.
[*** \mathrm{weave}^2] |wēv|
verb no object
twist and turn from side to side while moving somewhere in order to avoid obstructions:
e.g. he had to weave his way through the crowds.
take evasive action in an aircraft, typically by moving it from side to side.
(of a horse) repeatedly swing the head and forepart of the body from side to side (considered to be a vice).