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take away

with object and adverbial of direction remove (someone or something) from a particular place:
(現在ある所からどこかへ)A〈物〉を移動する, 【場所・人から】Aを持って行く, 離す; 〈事が〉 【人・場所から】A〈人〉を遠ざける, A〈人〉が 【事をすることを】できなくする «from»
e.g. he took an envelope from his inside pocket
(必要なのに)〈事・物・人が〉 «…から» A〈事・物・人〉を奪う «from»
〈物・事が〉A〈痛み・味覚・食欲など〉を取り除く, 消す
A〈人〉を連れて行く; (無理やり)Aを連れ去る
e.g. the police took him away.
〖take A (away) from B〗 〘数〙 B〈数〉からA〈数〉を引く(subtract) (!進行形にしない)
e.g. take two from ten
e.g. add the numbers together and take away five.

take something away
British buy food at a cafe or restaurant for eating elsewhere:
(店内で食べずに)A〈料理〉を買って持ち帰る(⦅米・くだけて⦆ A to go)(→ takeout, takeaway)
e.g. he ordered a lamb madras to take away.

detract from:
〈事・人が〉A〈事〉の価値, 効果を減じる, 弱める (!進行形にしない) .
e.g. that shouldn't take away from the achievement of the French.