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verb with object
…を撃退する, 追い返す
e.g. rioters tried to storm ministry buildings but were repulsed by police.
fail to welcome (friendly advances or the person making them); rebuff:
e.g. she left, feeling hurt because she had been repulsed.
〈申し出など〉をはねつける, 拒絶する.
e.g. his bid for the company was repulsed.
2. (usually be repulsed) cause (someone) to feel intense distaste and aversion:
〖通例be ~d〗 嫌悪感を覚える, 反発する
e.g. audiences at early screenings of the film were repulsed by its brutality.

the action of driving back an attacking force or of being driven back:
e.g. the repulse of the invaders.
e.g. his evasion of her plan had been another repulse.

late Middle English: from Latin repuls-driven back’, from the verb repellere (see repel).