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source: [僕は友達が少ないの志熊理科のバックで火山が噴火するGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 671225]

verb no object
(of a volcano) become active and eject lava, ash, and gases:
〈火山が〉噴火する; 〈溶岩などが〉噴出する
e.g. Mount Pinatubo began erupting in June.
be ejected from an active volcano:
e.g. hot lava erupted from the crust.
(of an object) explode with fire and noise resembling an active volcano:
e.g. smoke bombs erupted everywhere.
⦅報道⦆ 〈暴動・けんかが〉突然起こる, 始まる, 勃発する(break out).
e.g. fierce fighting erupted between the army and guerrillas
e.g. cheers erupted from the crowd.
〖~ in/into A〗 〈人・地域が〉突然A〈状態〉になる
e.g. the soldiers erupted in fits of laughter.
(of a pimple, rash, or other prominent mark) suddenly appear on the skin.
〘医〙 〈湿疹(しっしん)などが〉(突然)発疹(ほっしん)する; 〖~ in/into A〗 〈皮膚が〉A〈湿疹など〉を(突然)吹き出す
(of the skin) suddenly develop a pimple, rash, or mark.
(of a tooth) break through the gums during normal development.

mid 17th century: from Latin erupt-broken out’, from the verb erumpere, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out’ + rumpereburst out, break’.