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[*** \mathrm{console}^1] |kənˈsōl|

verb with object
comfort (someone) at a time of grief or disappointment:
〖~ A [oneself] (with B)〗 «…に対して» (B〈言葉・考えなど〉で)A〈人〉[自分]を慰める, 元気づける «for» ; 〖~ A [oneself] that節〗 A[自分]を…ということで慰める; ⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…だと慰める
e.g. she tried to console him but he pushed her gently away
e.g. you can console yourself with the thought that you did your best.

consolable |kənˈsōləb(ə)l| adjective
consoler |kənˈsōlər| noun

mid 17th century (replacing earlier consolate): from French consoler, from Latin consolari, from con-with’ + solarisoothe’.

[*** \mathrm{console}^2] |ˈkänˌsōl|

1. a panel or unit accommodating a set of controls for electronic or mechanical equipment.
(ゲーム機・コンピュータなどの)操作盤[パネル], コンソール
the cabinet or enclosure containing the keyboards, stops, pedals, etc., of an organ.
2. an ornamented bracket with scrolls or corbel supporting a cornice, shelf, or tabletop.
コンソールテーブル(console table)〘壁面に付けて置くテーブル〙
3. a support between the seats of an automobile that has indentations for holding small items.
(車の)コンソールボックス; センターコンソール

mid 17th century (in console2 (sense 2)): from French, perhaps from consolider, from Latin consolidare (see consolidate).