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«…との/…間の» 比較, 対照, 比べること «with/between, of»
e.g. they drew a comparison between Gandhi's teaching and that of other teachers: 彼らはガンジーの教えと他の教師のそれとの間の比較を描いた。
e.g. the two books invite comparison with one another.: その2つの本は互いの比較を招く。
«…に» なぞらえる, たとえること «to» ; 比喩, 例示
e.g. perhaps the best comparison is that of seasickness.: 多分最も良い比喩は船酔いのそれだ。
類似性, 似ていること (!具体例ではa ~/~s; その際時に修飾語を伴う)
e.g. if you want a thrill, there's no comparison to climbing on a truck and going out there on the expressway.: もしあなたがスリルを求めるなら、トラックによじ登って高速道路に出ることとは比べ物にならない。
〘文法〙 (形容詞・副詞の)比較変化
bear (or stand) comparison
be of sufficient quality to be likened favorably to someone or something of the same kind:
e.g. it can stand comparison with any publishing house.
surpassing all others of the same kind:
e.g. their spa services are fantastic and beyond comparison.
by/in comparison
when compared:
e.g. computer-based communication is extremely fast in comparison with telephone or postal services.