generated at

1. a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a crowd.
«…という» スローガン, メッセージ, シュプレヒコール «of» .
a monotonous or repetitive song, typically an incantation or part of a ritual.
2. Music a short musical passage in two or more phrases used for singing unmetrical words; a psalm or canticle sung to such music.
単調な歌, 詠唱歌
the style of music consisting of chants:

verb with object
〈人が〉〈スローガンなど〉を一斉に唱える, 同じ調子で繰り返す, シュプレヒコールする
e.g. protesters were chanting slogans
⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…と繰り返す
e.g. with direct speech : the crowd chanted, “No violence!”.
…を歌う; 〈聖歌〉を詠唱する; 〈お経など〉を唱える; (歌で)…を賛美する

late Middle English (in the sense ‘sing’): from Old French chantersing’, from Latin cantare, frequentative of caneresing’.