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1. (of light or color) very bright and radiant.
〖通例名詞の前で〗光り輝く, きらきら光る〈日光など〉; 鮮やかな〈色など〉 (!brightより強い輝き)
〈人・考え・演技などが〉すばらしい, 見事な; 才能あふれる, 優秀な
e.g. a brilliant young mathematician
e.g. a brilliant idea.
〈業績・成功などが〉輝かしい, 立派な
e.g. his brilliant career at Harvard.
3. British informal very good, excellent, or marvelous:
⦅英話⦆ すてきな, 楽しい; 〈人が〉 【人に対して】とても親切な «with»
e.g. we had a brilliant time
e.g. as exclamation : “Brilliant!” he declared excitedly as she finished telling him what had happened.

ブリリアントカットの宝石, ダイヤモンド

late 17th century: from French brillantshining’, present participle of briller, from Italian brillare, probably from Latin beryllus (see beryl).