What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture
>spotlighting four models of leadership and culture-building - the leader of the only successful slave revolt, Haiti's Toussaint Louverture; the Samurai, who ruled Japan for seven hundred years and shaped modern Japanese culture; Genghis Khan, who built the world's largest empire; and Shaka Senghor, an American ex-con who created the most formidable prison gang in the yard and ultimately transformed prison culture. What You Do Is Who You Are is a journey through culture, from ancient to modern. Along the way, it answers a question fundamental to any organisation: who are we?
序文 ヘンリー・ルイス・ゲイツ・ジュニア
第2章 ルーベルチュールのテクニックを使う
第5章 サンゴールのテクニックを使う
第7章 現代社会の多様性
第8章 自分らしい文化をデザインする
第9章 境界事例と見せしめ
第10章 まとめ