>Clubhouse is voice-only, and we think voice is a very special medium. With no camera on, you don’t have to worry about eye contact, what you’re wearing, or where you are. You can talk on Clubhouse while you’re folding laundry, breastfeeding, commuting, working on your couch in the basement, or going for a run. Instead of typing something and hitting Send, you’re engaged in a back-and-forth dialogue with others. The intonation, inflection and emotion conveyed through voice allow you to pick up on nuance and form uniquely human connections with others. You can still challenge each other and have tough conversations—but with voice there is often an ability to build more empathy. This is what drew us to the medium.
>シリーズBラウンドによる資金はこの「クリエイター助成プログラム(Creator Grant Program)」にも充てられる。Clubhouseブログによればのプログラム「プラットフォーム上で人気を得つつあるクリエーターをサポートする」ための仕組みだという。Clubhouseのモバイルアプリはセレブや政治家などをクリエイターとして引きつけることに驚異的な成果を挙げている。