> "High-tech inventiveness and marketing expertise are two cornerstones of the US strategy for global competitiveness. We will never have the lowest cost of labor or raw materials, so we must continue to exploit advantage further down the value chain."
> コンサルティングする立場から、ハイテク企業が陥りやすい状況をGeoffrey Moore氏が気づいて書いた本であるので、『Crossing The Chasm』の冒頭から明言しているように、ハイテク企業または製品のマーケティングのために書かれている。
> "Innovators pursue new technology products aggressively. They sometimes seek them out even before a formal marketing program has been launched. This is because technology is a central interest in their life, regardless of what function it is performing. At root they are intrigued with any fundamental advance and often make a technology purchase simply for the pleasure of exploring the new device's properties. There are not very many innovators in any given market segment, but winning them over at the outset of campaign is key nonetheless, because their endorsement reassures the other players in the marketplace that the product does in fact work."