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映画 The Avengersのワンシーンから英語と日本語訳を並べて学習する本

学んだ Topic
柔らかく提案する時の you might want to ~
「きっとそうなのだろう」という意味の must
>You must be tired.
up to ~ で「〜次第」
>It's up to you
恋愛関係を表す a thing
「これは言わなくては」: I gotta say
専門家を呼び寄せる意味の強い call in
否定するときはできるだけ前方に not を置く
>I don't think we should be focusing on Loki.
nothing but は only に近い
naive は日本語の感覚と少し違って、「世間知らず、子供じみた」といった経験不足等のネガティブな印象が強い言葉

proceed: !~
surge: !~
spontaneous: !~
misbehave: !~
harness: !~

tiding: !~
goon: !~
precedence: !~
compromised: !~
ministering: !~

commotion: !~
porch: !~
prank: !~
pay upfront: !~
not at all: !~

cold shoulder: !~
dude: !~
adrift: !~
haymaker: !~
mooring: !~

sorely: !~
soared: !~
pinnacle: !~
grow a spine: !~
snafu: !~

half a mo: !~
square deal: !~
serum: !~
old-school: !~
scurried: !~

restless: !~
meager: !~
unveil: !~
crevice: !~
stow: !~

swoon: !~
hideout: 隠れ家
mingling: !~
garbed: !~
gleamed: !~

subjugation: !~
diminish: !~
jaw: !~
midsection: !~
squawk: !~
wallop: !~

spry: !~
calisthenics: !~
be fond of: !~
muster: !~
conjure: !~
parentage: !~

recompence: !~
slight: !~
in droves: !~
catwarlk: 狭い通路
in case: !~
generosity: !~

detention: !~
debrief: !~
unparalleled: !~
jury's out: !~
tiptoeing: !~
strut: !~

regime: !~
weep over: !~
wipe out: !~
bat eyelashes: !~
nuclear deterrent: !~
so help me god: !~

wirecrack: !~
ammunition: !~
back off: !~
philanthropist: !~
detonation: !~
intact: !~

I spear on my life: !~
make it personal: !~
traction: !~
piss off: !~
throne: !~
fish in a barrel: !~

genuine: !~
containment: !~
clench: !~
puny: !~
might as well: !~
afield: !~

bag man: !~
balm: !~
barren: !~
bunk over: !~
churn: !~
cocky: !~

concoct: !~
conjure: !~
demi: !~
foxing: !~
haul: !~
infuriating: !~

last straw: !~
live up to: !~
outgun: !~
perimeter: !~
ramp: !~
recompense: !~

sag: !~
stand down: !~
swerve: !~
swirl: !~
swoon: !~
temper: !~

undulate: !~
vow: !~
wade: !~