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The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master


1 A Pragmatic Philosophy
1. The Cat Ate My Source Code
2. Software Entropy
3. Stone Soup and Boiled Frogs
4. Good-Enough Software
5. Your Knowledge Portfolio
6. Communicate!

2 A Pragmatic Approach
7. The Evils of Duplication
8. Orthogonality
9. Reversibility
10. Tracer Bullets
11. Prototypes and Post-it Notes
12. Domain Languages
13. Estimating

3 The Basic Tools
14. The Power of Plain Text
15. Shell Games
16. Power Editing
17. Source Code Control
18. Debugging
19. Text Manipulation
20. Code Generators

4 Pragmatic Paranoia
21. Design by Contract
22. Dead Programs Tell No Lies
23. Assertive Programming
24. When to Use Exceptions
25. How to Balance Resources

5 Bend, or Break
26. Decoupling and the Law of Demeter
27. Metaprogramming
28. Temporal Coupling
29. It's Just a View
30. Blackboards

6 While You Are Coding
31. Programming by Coincidence
32. Algorithm Speed
33. Refactoring
34. Code That's Easy to Test
35. Evil Wizards

7 Before the Project
36. The Requirements Pit
37. Solving Impossible Puzzles
38. Not Until You're Ready
39. The Specification Trap
40. Circles and Arrows

8 Pragmatic Projects
41. Pragmatic Teams
42. Ubiquitous Automation
43. Ruthless Testing
44. It's All Writing
45. Great Expectations
46. Pride and Prejudice

A Resources
Professional Societies
Building a Library
Internet Resources
B Answers to Exercises