『Agile Testing Condensed』
A Brief Introduction
SECTION 1: Foundations
Chapter 1: What Do We Mean by Agile Testing?
Continuous testing models
Ten principles for agile testing
Testing manifesto
Agile testing definition
Chapter 2: Whole-Team Approach and Agile Testing Mindset
Focus on quality
How teams deal with defects
Multiple perspectives
Chapter 3: Test Planning in Agile Contexts
The team
The product
Planning across levels of detail
Planning for regression testing
SECTION 2: Testing Approaches
Chapter 4: Guiding Development with Examples
Example-based methods
Why examples help
This is your foundation
Chapter 5: Enabling Collaboration
Collaborate with customers
Impact mapping
Ask questions
Example mapping
Build trust using visibility
Chapter 6: Explore Continuously
Personas, jobs, and roles
Workflows and tours
Risks and value to the customer
Explore in pairs or groups
Executing, learning, steering
Additional techniques
Leverage tools for effective exploring
Chapter 7: Testing Quality Attributes
Defining quality attributes
Mitigating risks by collaborating early
Planning for pre-release testing
Planning for later learning
Regulatory compliance
Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps
Continuous delivery and deployment
Testing in production
Monitoring and observability
New technology brings us new capabilities
SECTION 3: Helpful Models
Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants
What tests in what order?
Using the quadrants
Defining “Done”
Find the models that fit your context
Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy
Using visual models
The classic test automation pyramid
Automated tests as living documentation
Extending the model
Shared responsibility
SECTION 4: Agile Testing Today
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role
Testers are quality glue for a team
An agile tester’s professional journey
The fascinating path of evolving as testers
Be all that you can be
Start with a conversation
The world doesn’t need more checkers
Lisa’s and Janet’s thoughts
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success
Success factors
Confidence-building practices
Paths to success
Resources for Further Learning
Getting Shared Understanding - Collaboration
Exploratory Testing
DevOps, Monitoring, Observability
Test Automation
About the Authors