Your Undivided Attention
> Technology companies are locked in an arms race to seize your attention, and that race is tearing apart our shared social fabric.
> In this podcast from the Center for Humane Technology, hosts Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin expose the hidden designs that have the power to hijack our attention, manipulate our choices and destabilize our real world communities.
> Tristan and Aza explore what it means to become sophisticated about human nature, by interviewing hypnotists, magicians, experts on the dynamics of cults and election hacking and the powers of persuasion.
> Learn more with Your Undivided Attention.
Center for Humane Technology からのこのポッドキャストでは、ホストの Tristan Harris と Aza Raskin が、私たちの注意を乗っ取り、選択肢を操作し、現実世界の
Tristan と Aza は、催眠術師、魔術師、カルトと選挙のハッキングの力学と説得の力についての専門家にインタビューすることにより、人間の本性について洗練されることの意味を探ります。
Undivided Attention についてもっと学びましょう。
Tristan Harris
Aza Raskin
>The first is that this is infrastructure we live by. When we talk about children waking up in the morning and you have autoplay, that's not like the supermarket where I occasionally go there and I just made some purchases and I'm at the very end of it. And that's the one moment, the one little micro situation of deception or marketing, which is okay, in this case we have children who are spending 10 hours a day.
>So imagine a supermarket, you're spending 10 hours a day and you wake up in that supermarket. So that's the degree of intimacy and sort of scope in our lives. That's the first thing. The second thing is the degree of asymmetry between the persuader and the persuadee.