> be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
> (often reworded as "Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept").
Postel's Law, XML and HTML5
>On the other hand, it’s painfully obvious that this law does have exceptions.
>XML::Liberal is a super liberal XML parser that can fix broken XML stream and create a DOM node out of it.
> The W3C saw this as a fundamental problem with the web, and they set out to correct it. XML, published in 1997, broke from the tradition of forgiving clients and mandated that all programs that consumed XML must treat so-called “well-formedness” errors as fatal.
> Browsers have always been “forgiving” with HTML. If you create an HTML page but forget the </head> tag, browsers will display the page anyway. (Certain tags implicitly trigger the end of the <head> and the start of the <body>.) You are supposed to nest tags hierarchically — closing them in last-in-first-out order — but if you create markup like <b><i></b></i>, browsers will just deal with it (somehow) and move on without displaying an error message.
> As you might expect, the fact that “broken” HTML markup still worked in web browsers led authors to create broken HTML pages. A lot of broken pages. By some estimates, over 99% of HTML pages on the web today have at least one error in them. But because these errors don’t cause browsers to display visible error messages, nobody ever fixes them.
nobody ever fixes them