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>This is a shorter blog post than usual: in acknowledgement that taking a stand against the police brutality currently happening in the US and the world at large is more important than sharing tech knowledge, we decided to significantly scale back the amount of promotion we're doing for this release.
> The Rust Core Team believes that tech is and always will be political, and we encourage everyone take the time today to learn about racial inequality and support the Black Lives Matter movement.

tech is and always will be political

1. relating to the government, politics, and public affairs of a country
2. relating to the ways that different people have power within a group, organization etc
1. 政治にかかわるさま
2. 政治的な
1. 政治に関係をもっているさま。
2. 理論だけで行動するのではなく、実際の状況に基づいて物事を処理するさま。 「 -解決」
3. 駆け引きし、策をめぐらすさま。 「 -な発言」 「 -に動く」

FYI: トップの画像は、RustConf 2020 Opening Keynote での、Ashley Williams のパートをうけて作られたもので、"technology is political" についても語られているので、ぜひ。

Ashley Williams は 2018 の Keynote も良かった。