generated at

>@nishio: エレベーターで「でかい鏡あるじゃん」となって自作トートバッグを使ってるところの写真を撮ったんだけ照明が暗い
>@nishio: もうちょい明るいところで撮ったけど姿勢が不自然だな

remove QR code to Instagram, add 20220918132331
ver. 3.1
Now on sale

2022-10-20 Arrived
>@nishio: トートバッグ届いた! (DeepL: Tote bag just arrived!)
>@nishio: 物を入れるとこんな感じ!(This is what it looks like when you put stuff in it!)
>@nishio: 布自体の凸凹との干渉でインスタのQRはダメでした、そんなこともあろうかときちんと白黒で出したScrapboxへのQRコードは生きてたのでまあ実害はない
> The QR on the instagram didn't work due to interference with the texture of the fabric itself.
> The QR code to Scrapbox, which I had printed in black and white, was still alive, so there was no harm done.
>@nishio: 継ぎ目部分、最悪半分以上縫われるかもなーと思ったけど割と問題ない仕上がり
> I thought the seam might be stitched at worst more than half, but it turned out to be relatively OK.
>@nishio: 流石に左端に顔が左にある絵を置いたらダメだろ(単純にデザインのミス)
> We can't put a picture with the face to the left on the left edge (simple design error).
> The front center face is not good either. Let's rethink the choice of picture to use.


2022-10-11 designed
ver.3 (finished)

mistake in QR code position
