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Responsibility of the Breakdown of the Grand Alliance
Focus of the topic
Not only facts, but need to link back to the responsibility

Background Info

US Responsibility
Operation Torch and Husky
did not open the 2nd front until D-day

Postdam Comference: stronger attitute against USSR
Roosevelt to Truman
Atomic Bomb
Invention of atomic Bomb
led to escalation of Amrs race
Long Telegram
Iron Curtain Speech
(not really US responsibility)
it actually became wall in 1960s (berlin) (showing context)
Truman Doctorine
contain communism
Marshall Plan
US/UK created new currency and constitution
indicated that they were creating new country
violated Yalta (decided to vote later for unification)
US was afraid of Salami Tactics in Germany
Created NATO 1950
Created FRG 1950
Historiography: Revisionist
USSR Responsibility
Comintern (later Cominform)
against Marshall Plan
In fact, USSR controlled economy of Eastern europe
Salami Tactics
breaching Yalta
Czech Coup
Berlin Blockade
Act against Bizonia
Created GDR 1950
Created Warsaw Pact 1954
Historiography: Orthodox
Possible Essay Questions
TWE responsibility of breakdown

Pearson Cold War and Americas
Views of 3 historians

Orthodox: pro american
Revisionist: anti american
Post-revisionist: not blaming both sides,
Use historiographies to support claims!!
Use both sides, and counter the claims
"Evaluation of range of perspectives"が必要