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Remixed Reality: Manipulating Space and Time in Augmented Reality
> どんなもの?
live 3d reconstructonを見せるというMixed Realityを使えば、どんなことができるかを提案・整理したペーパー
spatial, temporal, viewpoint changeという三種を提案
> 先行研究と比べてどこがすごい?
既存のmixed realityは、例えば視点のカメラ映像しか撮ってないならその情報しか使えない
remixed realityは、時空間の情報を(kinectで取れる範囲)全て記録しているので、いくらでも加工できる
> 技術や手法のキモはどこ?
> どうやって有効だと検証した?
> 議論はある?

> 次に読むべき論文は?
Towards Understanding Diminished Reality、どちらにせよ読む
技術のベース、kinect, microsoft research
時間の速度を騙すとかRedirected Walkingみたいな技術の倫理の話?


Your review should be a couple of paragraphs long and should provide a brief overview of the paper, what it contributes beyond the previous work, what you like about it (explain why), what you don't like about it (explain why), what you think should have been done differently (explain why), and what you think should be done next (explain why).
brief overview of the paper, what it contributes beyond the previous work
live 3d reconstructonを見せるというMixed Realityを使えば、どんなことができるかを提案・整理したペーパー
spatial, temporal, viewpoint changeという三種を提案
既存のmixed realityは、例えば視点のカメラ映像しか撮ってないならその情報しか使えない
remixed realityは、時空間の情報を(kinectで取れる範囲)全て記録しているので、いくらでも加工できる
what you like about it
what you don't like about it
not exploring the interaction with real world things deeply. Mostly using the remixed reality as a environment to preceive, and not as a 対象 to interact with. We could further expand the applications by imagining how people could talk with other people, grab and move things, make changes in remixed reality.
what you think should have been done differently
although it has enough contribution as a paper suggesting a new technology, it would be more interesting with user studies (both quantitative and qualitative) under specific use cases. How would user interact with objects or people in the remixed reality? How would human understand the gap between his/her body viewpoint and the virtual viewpoint (spatially and temporally) ?
what you think should be done next
Further exploring spatiotemporal modification techniques, and how it could change the way human communicate with other people would be interesting. Having a room with looped time, each people having a subjective speed of time, etc.
Using data other than depth and camera sensors to create a multimodal recording would also be interesting. Predicting a tactile sensation or smells from images and reconstructing it in remixed reality, etc.