IB Chemistry HL暗記物リスト
202106 昔は自明だと感じていたことも忘れかけているよう
ex: electronegativityのtrendの理由とか
Chapter 1
Relative Atomic Mass
Def: Average mass of its atoms, compared to 1/12th the mass of a carbon-12 atom.
Unit: g mol-1
1atm = 1.01x10^5 Pa
Chapter 2
Visible Spectrum: Transition between * and n=2, n=3
“Shell”: 1,2,3とか
“Subshell”: 1s, 2p, 3dとか
“Orbital”: 2px, 2py, 2pzとか
Irregular (anti-Aufbau)
Cr config. [Ar] 3d5 4s1
(not 3d4 4s2)
Cu config. [Ar] 3d10 4s1
(not 3d9 4s2)
1st ionization E
Def: Energy for 1 mol of gaseous atom when losing 1 mol of electron (in standard thermodynamic conditions)
= Convergence limit of spectrum from n=1 (use E=hf)
Chapter 3
Electron shielding = repulsion between E level
“Nuclear charge” vs repulsion between same shell electrons
左下に増える: atomic radius, metallic character
右上に増える: electronegativity, magnitude of electron affinity, ionization energy
Ionization E, subshell変わるかorbitalでpair組み始めた時はrepulsion増えてE減る
複雑: melting point(bondingによって大きく変わる)
左の方はmetallic bondでまあまあ高い、真ん中はgiant covalentで一番高い、右はcovalent/noble gasで低い
Group 1
“Alkali metal”
Reaction with Oxygen/Water
More reactive down the group
Group 17
Reaction with Alkali Metal 2A(s) + H2 -> 2AH(s) (colorless, neutral)
Displacement Reaction
Lesser period Halogen with Larger period Halide
Ex: Cl2 + 2KBr -> 2KCl + Br2
Less reactive down the group
Period 3 Oxide
Structure of oxide
Na, Mg, Al: Giant Ionic (strong = solid)
Si: Giant covalent (solid)
P, S, Cl: Molecular compound (weak intermolecular force = gas/liquid)
Reaction of oxide with water
Basic: XO + H2O -> 2X(OH)n (acidic)
Acidic: XO + H2O -> HnXOm (alkaline)
(logic: solid dissolved neutral water = basic product, then solid is basic)
Transition Elements
Zn not Transition element
Multiple oxidation states
All has +2
Paramagnetic: Unpaired electron -> attracted by field
Diamagnetic: Paired electron -> repelled by field
Ferromagnetic: Many unpaired electrons aligned -> Strong magnetism Ni, Co, Fe
unpaired electrons causes magnetism
Ligands: coordinate covalent bonds
Neutral: H2O, NH3, CO
1- Ligands: Cl-, CN-, Br-
N2 + 3H2 ⇆ 2NH3 /w Iron
Colored complex
Repulsion with e- of ligands
Splitting of 3d orbital, 2 upper 3 lower: when ligands are attached
Absorption of light (low to high E level)
Spectrochemical series of ligands
stronger field -> more split -> absorb shorter wave length
Remember ligands, coordination No, etc
Chapter 4: Chemical bonding and structure
carbonate, chromate, phospate, sulfateはchargeが-1ではない
chromate, phospate, sulfateは例外、Oの数が3ではなく4
Metallic Bonding Factors
# of delocalized electrons
Charge of cation
Ionic radius of cation
Covalent Bonding
Lonepair-lonepair > lonepair-bondedpair > bondedpair-bondedpair
Expanded octet for period 3+ possible
結局何かというと、lone pairで+1, σ bondで+1すれば良い
言い換えると、図を書いた時にelectron pairを表す線が何辺から伸びているか
Sigma bond: round + round
Single bond
Pi bond: dumbbell + dumbbell
double, triple bond between 2 p-orbital
Cloud above and below σ bond
Formal Charge
(Valence electron in uncombined form) - (number of non-bonding electrons) - ½(number of bonding electrons)
Closer to 0 = more preferrable
Intermolecular forces (only on simple covalent) (Lower = Stronger)
London Force: Instantaneous dipole-inducded dipole
Hydrogen Bond: strong Dipole-dipole (H to N,O,F)
More electron = more intermolecular F
Similar intermolecular force = soluble
Chapter 5: Energetics
Open system: all exchange ok
Closed: only energy ok
Isolated: nothing ok
Chapter 6: Kinetics
Condition of Reaction:
Correct orientation
Definitions of specific enthalpy
Direction: as name states
atomize = to single gas atom
ionization = to positive ion
Amount: 1mol of measurable (sometimes reactant, sometimes product)
Lattice enthalpy (Irregular)
Direction: From broken ions to lattice
Amount: 1mol of lattice
Chapter 7: Equilibrium
Closed system
Rate of forward and backward reactions are same
Concentration of reactant/product is constant
Habor Process (Ammonia)
N2+3H2 ⇄ 2NH3
Exothermic, Mol decreasing
Condition for forward reaction
Low temperature
However, some temperature needed for high reaction speed
Optimum temperature: 450°C (not K)
(High reaction speed = faster to reach equilibrium)
High Pressure
Optimum pressure: 200-250 atm
Too high: plant breaks
Needed, otherwise have to use lower temp / higher pressure
Use “fresh” Iron
Usage: Fertilizer, explosives, etc
Contact Process (Sulfuric Acid)
S + O2 ⇄ SO2
SO2 + O2 ⇄ 2SO3 (Important step)
Exothermic, Mol decreasing
SO3 + H2O ⇄ H2SO4 / SO3 + H2SO4 ⇄ H2S2O7
Condition for the forward reaction
Low temperature
400°C or more
Catalyst only works on 400+
Vanadium (V) Oxide
NO High Pressure
Already enough rate
High pressure is uneconomic and dangerous
Usage: Fertilizer, Paints, etc
>At equilibrium, the Gibbs free energy is at a minimum and entropy is at a maximum.
Chapter 8 Acid and bases
Acid: H+ donor
base: H+ acceptor
has lone pair, H+ coordinate bond
Acid + Base → Conjugate base and acid (only for BL)
"amphiprotic" vs "amphoteric"
"amphiprotic" only for BR acid/base (狭い条件)
"amphoteric" any acid/base (広い条件)
both OK (not none, but both)
Lewis Acid
Acids to remember
Bases to remember
mono/di/triprotic acid: # of donatable proton
Note: CH3COOH is monoprotic
strong: all dissosiate / weak: not all dissosiate
organic acid = weak
how to distinguish
conductivity (strong = more conductivity)
relative rate with metal (only for acid)
strong acid → weak conjugate base, weak acid → strong conjugate base
def: ionic compound formed between a metal and non-metal
Acid + Metal → Salt + Water
Acid + Base → Salt + ごたごた
Acid + Metal Oxide (O) → Salt + Water
Acid + Metal Hydroixde (OH) → Salt + Water
Acid + Metal carbonate (CO) → Salt + Water + CO2
Acid + Metal Hydrogencarbonate (HCO) → Salt + Water + CO2
Neutralization (acid + base → salt + water)
always around -57kJ/mol
Application: antacids
"titrant" = alkali in burette (known concentration)
"analyte" = acid in beaker (unknown concentration)
indicator: phenolphthalein, etc
ionic product of water Kw = 1*10^-14
Kw increases (H2O dissosiates more in water) when temperature increase
larger Ka/Kb = smaller pKa/pKb = stronger acid/base
Ka + Kb = Kw = 14 at 297K
Buffer Solution
Def: When (1) SMALL amount of acid/base is added to
weak acid : salt
1 weak acid : 0.5 strong base
Acid Depositon Causes (i.e. acid rain)
nitric/ous acid: 2NO• from lighting and engines + O2 → NO2• / NO2• + water → nitric/ous acid
sulfuric/ous acid: S from fire power station / volcanos + O2 → SO2 / SO2 + H2O → sulfuric/ous acid
Environmental Inpactsとか、反応のしょうさいとか
Equivalence Point
Strong acid, weak base: <7
Strong base, weak acid: >7
Chapter 10 Organic Chem
Homologous def: CH2 dif, same Functional Group, same general formula
physical properties gradually change, chemical properties similar
Isomers: branch, functional, positional
functional ex: aldehyde/ketone, alcohol/ether
Trend: More branch = harder to approach = less IMF = lower b.p.
no addition, only substitution
with benzene = "aromatic" (not aliphiatic)
non-reactive except
function groupsname | combustion | addition | substitution | polymerisation | oxidation | reduction |
benzene | | | ✔︎ electrophilic | | | |
alkane | ✔︎ | | ✔︎ free radical | | | |
alkene | | ✔︎ electrophilic | | ✔︎ | | |
ester | | | ✔︎ nucleophilic | | | |
alcohol | ✔︎ | | ✔︎ nucleophilic | | ✔︎ | |
aldehyde | | ✔︎ nucleophilic | | | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
ketone | | ✔︎ nucleophilic | | | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
carboxylic acid | | | ✔︎ nucleophilic | | | ✔︎ |
halgenoalkanes | | | ✔︎ nucleophilic | | | |
complete: produce CO2 and Water
incomplete: produce CO / C and Water (lacks Oxygen)
Produces water anyway!
free radical
initiation (incrase free radical)
homolytic fission
propagation (no change in # of free radical)
termination (decrease free radical)
condition: UV Light
attacked by nucleophile (favors positive charge)
nucleophile attacks polar C-X bond (X: δ-)
rate = [halgenoalkane][nucleophile]
lower order halgenoalkanes prefers SN2
hard to attack due to bulkyness of alkyl groups, in primary
secondary: Depends
neither too bulky or too open
tertiary: SN1
rate = [halgenoalkane]
higher order halgenoalkanes prefers SN1
carbocation more stable in tertiary
Trend of rate
C-X of Halogenoalkane
X has more radius -> less bond enthalpy -> more rate
(countering trend of electronegativity difference is neglectable!)
nucleophile (ONLY for SN2 reaction, because SN1 is independent)
anion better than polar molecule
Polar protic, prefers SN1
protic solvent helps H-X bond to break by pulling both sides
protic solvent solvates intermediate carbocation, and makes them stable
Polar aprotic, prefers SN2
aprotic doesn't dissosiate nucleophile, so nucleophiles aren't surrounded by atoms and they are reactable
nucleophile's reactability is important in SN2, while not important in SN1
special: esterification
nucleophile: alcohol
condition: heat, conc. H2SO4
write as ⇄ reaction
also an condensation
special: hydrolysis
nitration of benzene
condition: heat under reflux, 60℃
alkene (C=C bond) does
electrophile: cation OR positive side of dipole
仮に二つのatomがくっつくてもしても、初手がelectrophileのattackならelectrophilic addition
Major product: One that carbon with less H becomes carbocation
less H = more atom with positive inductive effect = more stable carbocation
H-Br, Br-Cl (dipole)
Br-Br (induced dipole by High density election)
H-H (hydrogenation)
Application: Test by bromine water
alkane: reacts with Br2 + H2O, decolorizes
alkane/benzene: no reaction, no decolorization
agent: acidified K2Cr2O7 or acidified KMnO4
acidified = H+ exists (and used for oxidization)
primary alcohol -> aldehyde -> carboxylic acid
under reflux: complete oxidization
under distiliation: partial oxidization
(aldehyde has lower b.p.)
secondary alcohol -> ketone
aldehyde / ketone -> alcohol
reducing agent: LiAlH4 (stronger), NaBH4
carboxylic acid -> alcohol
reducing agent: LiAlH4 ONLY
NaBH4 is weaker
General Laws
Polar bond is weaker
Things that causes charges
Electron Density
C=C bond is high
Chapter 11
1,2,3ではなくsinglet, doublet, triplet
Why TMS:
high bp (easy to remove)
one signal and strong