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Guerilla warfare in two civil wars
Focus of the topic

Background Info
Guerilla warfare:
small groups conducting ambushes, sabotage, etc to fight a larger enemy
Vietcong of Vietnam Civil War against Diem's ARVN and the US
more than 2M US vs 200K Vietcong
Castro's force in Cuban Revolution against Batista
Both used Guerilla warfare, which was succesful in some previous wars ex: Chinise Civil War
Vietnam was supported by China/Soviet, Cuba conencted to soviet later
They were similar, but the significance of Vietnam was higher.

P2 - Successful tactics
Their tacitics and the use of guerilla warfare was effective
Punji traps
Easily built, effective to damage soilders physically and mentally so significant
Networks of tunnel in jungle
Enabled vietcong to conduct surprise attacks
Soilders lived there to hide from US and bombing
Americans couldn't counter, throwing grenades wasn't effective due to the structure
so significant on the successful guerilla
Communication with peasants
As Mao (previous success) stated "Political objective needed for guerilla success", they strictly decided their pro-peasant goal which led to the support of civilians
peasants gave shelters, foods, etc for survival
Sabotaged industry, such as sugar cane fields
Effective, because main source of government's income
furthermore, revolution was because of anti-American bussiness, so effective both strategically and mentally
Propaganda: big thing for Castro
"History will absolve me" speech and interviews to appeal
Became figure of a liberalation
Led to resource support from civilians, on Guevara's fight at the city area
Important front of the war, so signiciant
P3 - Effective Situation
Both were in situation where Guerilla warfare becomes effective
Both were able to gain support from citizens
Unpopular Diem and US Force
US widely known as US puppet
Opresed population using secret polices and amry forces, mainly communsits
Catholic policy, Buddhists burned themselves as protest
Even VPOTUS Johnson evaluated his governing policy negatively on his visit
Later phase, US damage on civilians by The Operation Rolling Thunder bombing, Agent Orange, Napalm, etc led to further anti-US
Led to support of citizens to Vietcong, which was needed for guerilla
Unpopular Batista
Batista used brutal forces to keep Cuba under control
Able to present as fighters for liberalization rather than terrorists
This led to corporative attitute of some citizens, but wasn't significant since the fight was short
US Anti-war movment
television development
horrific scenes of villages burned, wars, etc affected
Anti-war musicians, including John Lennon contributed
Political Inability of US
weak political leadership
Johnson, who decided to enter the war by Tonking Gulf Incident in 1964
Aim containment and Domino Theory
Johnson viewed Vietcong as unpopular communist forces that could be easily defeated
Wrong policy of US not caring civilians (Rolling Thunder bombing etc), led to the outcome
However, as historian Tabor says, they had to do so because of guerilla, or lose
therefore this was also part of guerilla significance
Cuban Weakness
Fight itself ended in 1 year (1958-59), much shorter than Vietnam war
Shows the inherent weakness of Batista government
unpopularity in the nation, even uS had to cut aid to Batisa in late 1950s
Historian Cushion highlights the effect of labor activists and political groups that also fought, independently from Guerilla

Possible Essay Questions

Cuban PhD Paper on Classroom might be good Source
Chapter 3 and 5

Dont need to focus "unsuccessful tactics", because those did not affect the outcome
blu3moif we have "evaluate effectiveness" question, should we state unsuccessful tactics?
PhD Paper on Classroom might be good Source
Chapter 3
Other source URL on slides as well
Also, essay on CLassroom well conpares Vietnam and Cuba
Should read it, before writing comparision essay!
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