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Exploring User Behaviour in Asymmetric Collaborative Mixed Reality
brief overview of the paper
Research Question: Does asymmetry of interfaces bias interaction in the collaboration between an AR and a VR user?
Mixing VR user and AR user in a collaborative MR environment. They identified relationships between presence and co-presence, accord and co-presence, leadership and talkativeness, head rotation velocity and leadership, and head rotation velocity and talkativeness.
what it contributes beyond the previous work
prior works highlight the breadth of the issues caused by asymmetry, with many questions remaining unanswered. they formed a research question and a experiment to further understand what happens.
what you like about it (explain why)
They collected wide variety of data, includin subjective data like spoken words, presense, leadership and objective data like rotation and distance travelled.
what you don't like about it (explain why)
We do not know if the effects we saw was specific to that HMD device or the current technical limitations, or they are something generalizable for all AR and VR experience. For example, their reasoning for H3 depends on the specific design of controllers they use. The weight or restrictions of HMD might have also affected the behavior.
what you think should have been done differently (explain why)
They could alter the condition by trying out different VR / AR HMD and doing the same experiment.
what you think should be done next (explain why).
They could also try using experience that stands between the spectrum of AR and VR - environment with blended reality, diminished reality, etc.