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End of the Cold War

Focus of the topic
Confrontation and Reconcilation
confrontして勝ったから終わった vs Rencocileで和解したから終わった
もしくは、factors (ideological, political, etc)

Background Info
USSR Dissolve in 1991
USSR econ stagnating, inefficient command econ, 25% GDP per capita of USA
1980 oil prices fall, indebted to west reaches $2.5 billion
Arms Race: USSR cannot keep up with USA spending. 20% of GDP spent on weapons, vs. USA 5%. Must reduce arms spending or lower living standards
Perestroika: restructuring of economy; de-centralization, allows some private business, no more price-controls
Effects: Unemployment increases, prices increase, living standards fall dramatically.
Reduced support for Gorbachev, more support for independence movements (want more radical change), or communist hardliners (want to maintain old system)
Social issues
Glasnost, Effects (focus on nationalist movements)
USSR 15 “independent” republics, but politically dominated by Russians
Some Republics (Baltics, Caucuses) forcibly part of USSR
Glasnost (openness): allows people to address national issues, censorship ending exposes Soviet crimes, massacres, of minority groups
Effects: Baltic states (latvia, lithuania, estonia) declare independence in 1990, Gorbachev uses force to put down rebellions.
Tensions about nationalism, Gorbachev proposes “New Union Treaty”, gives more independence to republics
Dissolution of USSR (August Coup, formation of CIS)
Conservative communists reject the treaty as too radical, would break USSR
Launch “August Coup” 1991, take over gov, Gorbachev hostage
Boris Yeltsin - Leader of Russia, Republic, protests against coup, rallies popular support in Moscow, coup fails
Clear that Gorbachev and Communists are not in control, lost support, Second most important republic, Ukraine votes for independence, followed by Russia and Belarus.
USSR voluntarily disbands, Gorbachev resigns, CIS (Commonwealth of Indepdant States) of the 15 republics forms.

How did the Arms Race come to an end?
•Reagan’s new Cold War (SDI, Evil Empire, Reagan Doctrine)
New Cold War:ending the detente (lasts until 1985)
Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI):An anti-ballistic missile program, shooting down missiles in space, “Star Wars”
Evil Empire (1983):Reagan referring USSR to an evil empire, increasing ideological tension
Reagan Doctrine:The concept was to stop the spread of communism before it could attack a country, Reagan sent troops to Grenada to stop a communist invasion, supporting anti-communist fighters in Afghanistan

•Renewed Détente (Afghanistan, China)
Afghanistan (1986):Gorbachev withdrew his troops from Afghanistan as their foreign policy did not work, replacement of president (Mohammed Najibullah)
China:PRC frontiers and Soviet troops were reduced, relation fully restored
•End of Arms race (arms reduction treaties, conferences)
START treaty(1991):LImited the number of ICBMs and nuclear warhead that can be possessed
Warsaw Pact and NATO me to sign the treaty on conventional armed force in Europe:reduction of weapons in Europe
Annual meetings to prevent conflicts

Why did Communism collapse in Eastern Europe by 1990? (Shutaro) (Textbook p267-)
•Economic and Political conditions of Eastern Europe by 1980’s
2 Types of nations
Type 1:Poland/Hungary/Bulgaria
Proactive to proceed limited political and economic reform
Type 2:GDR, Czechslovakia, Romania, Albania
Unwilling to proceed reforms
(Ignored Yugoslavia, irregular)
•Revolution of Type 1: Impact of Gorbachev’s reforms (end Brezhnev doctrine)
Gorbachev ending Brezhnev doctorine 1989
Aimed to maintain Soviet security at Eastern Europe by negotiation and cooperation, not by force.
Pol/Hun/Bul: Revolutionary changes occurred with negotiation with ruling communists
Ex: Poland: (negotiation)
Issues such as Indebted economic situation and corrupted government and industry existed
Due to this, people forced government to legalize Solidarity.
Solidarity and PUWP(communists) agreed to allow Solidarity to compete for 35% of seats in the lower parliament
However, election proved the popularity of Solidarity, and government got transformed to a regime led by Solidarity
Important: Gorbachev did not oppose this entire process, and Poland remained in Warsaw Pact
Known as “Negotiated revolutions”
•Revolution of Type 2: Impact of opening of Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall opened 1989/11/9
Ex: Germany:
Leipzig demonstrations 1989 9/25-10/16
Non-violent protestors
Non-violent governments
Support of Soviet Union wasn’t provided to communists
Led to replacement of Honecker by Krenz
Accidental opening of Berlin Wall
Crowds gathered at the border on 11/9
Ex: Romania:
Ceausescu was unpopular due to his failure of economic/political policies.
Opening of Berlin Wall induced the revolution
The first revolts at Timisoara 1989/12/9
Army sided the people
Soviet Union did not intervene.
Ceausescu fled the capital, but got executed on 12/22
National Salvation Front (left-side party) was then formed, and gained majority in elections.
Communist remained in power after democratic elections, as Gorbachev hoped.
There were unexpected revolutions for the Soviet Union

Confrontation led to reconcilliation
Renewed arms race
Too costly for Soviets
TODO: Get numbers
Gorbachev + Regan
Summits, not many aggreements but met frequenty
Glasnost + Perestroika
Sattelite States
First Hungary
Fall of berlin wall

Orthodox: USA won the confrontation after strong pressures and superior economy and arms
Regan gets credit for strongly defeating the USSR
Revisionist: No one won the Cold War, but they reconciled their differences and ended the amrs race
Gorbachev gets credit for chosing to stop the conflict early
USSR had problems, but wasnt in critical crisis
so no need for reforms, but he did it to imrpove lives of people
Economic: Perestroika - de-centralize the economy
problems: inefficient, corrupt, stagnation (no growth)
Oil Crisis also dameged the economy
aimed to decentralize the economy
instead of central government controlling, local Soviets made their own decisions
each Soviets decided how much to charge for products
also, allowed little Privatization
taxis, kiosks, salons, markets, cafes
Social: Glasnost - Allow freedom of speech
No freedom of speech, religion, etc, people were tired
Also, nationalist movement requested more autonomy
So, allowed openness in 1986
News showing truth, anti-communist literatures published
Western Cultures allowed: rock music, movies, fasion, etc
Nationalist problems allowed to discuss
HOWEVER, no independence was allowed
Political: Demokrazatsia: Real competitive elections with multiple parties
Old anti-reform politicians opposed Gorbachev, so he needed more supporters
So, tried to bring more democracy
Congress of People's Deputies formed in 1988
New position of President created in 1990, elected by people
Foreing Policy
Abandoned marxist views of "class struggle" and "world revolution"
Ends Brezhnev doctorine
Brezhnev: "USSR will intervene militarily to protect communist mesaures, in influence sphere"
Golbachev ended this
WIthdraw from Afghanistan

Possible Essay Questions
? To what extent was confrontation rather than reconciliation the contributing factor for the end of the Cold War?
