Assmann, The Price of Monotheism
> According to the web page and the web results, there was a division between polytheistic and monotheistic religion before the book of Deuteronomy, but it was not as clear and sharp as the Mosaic distinction that Deuteronomy introduced. The web page suggests that the Hebrew Bible reflects two different types of religious experience: one polytheistic, turned towards the world, and associated with the priestly writings; and the other monotheistic, turned away from the world, and associated with the prophetic and Deuteronomic writings. The web results indicate that polytheism was the dominant form of religion in the ancient world, and that monotheism emerged gradually and in different ways in different cultures. The web results also suggest that the book of Deuteronomy was a key moment in the development of biblical monotheism, as it emphasized the exclusive worship of the One God and the rejection of all other gods as idols 123. Therefore, the book of Deuteronomy marked a significant shift from the earlier polytheistic religion of Israel to the later monotheistic religion of Judaism.