<文献ログ> One Future Only. The Soviet Union in the Age of the Scientific-Technical Revolution
>While not dismissing the need for a strong political leadership, the new programme expressly
> acknowledged the necessity to base policy-making on broad-based scientific knowledge
>Khrushchev repeatedly called for long-term forecasts and some of the high-flying visions of the 1961 programme were in fact based on projections submitted by academic research organisations that had been invited to contribute to a twenty-year scientific and technological forecast.
>The Party programme of 1961 argued that capitalism monopolised the benefits ofprogress for purposes of profit accumulation and was hence headed for social unrest, whereas socialism would apply the fruits of the STR in the best interests of society to build an ideal communist polity.80 However, embracing it also launched the Soviet Union on essentially the same path of technological and technocratic progress that the West had embarked on.